In-Depth Study
We offer three special spiritual programs for the systematic study and practice of Kadampa Buddhism that are especially suited to the modern world:​

General Program
For beginners and experienced practitioners. Attend on a schedule that suits you.
General Program (GP) classes present Buddhist teachings in a format that is suitable for beginners as well as more experienced practitioners. The format allows students to attend on a schedule that suits them.
Through these classes everyone can learn how to apply Buddhist teachings to everyday life -- using them to solve problems, and find peace & happiness. Along with introductory topics, GP classes also include advanced teachings and practices from both Sutra and Tantra, for practitioners of all levels of experience.
The General Program includes a weekly recurring schedule of drop-in classes, supplemented by occasional retreats and other special events. All are open to everyone, and everyone is welcome.
Foundation Program
Deepen your understanding and experience of Buddhism
The Foundation Program (FP) is for anyone who wishes to deepen their understanding and experience of Buddhism. The program offers systematic study, discussion, and meditation practice based on six Kadampa Buddhist texts written by the founder of the New Kadampa Tradition, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.
Pre-registration and regular attendance is required.
FP is currently offered in Oak Park on Sundays and in Wicker Park on Tuesdays.

Teacher Training Program
Train as an authentic Kadampa Buddhist Dharma teacher or engage with Buddha's teachings in the deepest possible manner
The Teacher Training Program (TTP) is a step beyond the Foundation Program. It is designed for people who wish to train as authentic Dharma Teachers or simply engage with Buddha's teachings in the deepest possible manner. In addition to completing the study of fourteen texts of Sutra and Tantra, the student is required to observe certain commitments with regard to behavior and way of life, and to complete a number of meditation retreats. Through a deep and continuing commitment to the program of study, meditation, discussion, and retreat, you can gain deep experience of Buddha's teachings, establish a strong meditation practice, and become a qualified Kadampa Buddhist teacher.