Sat, Jun 25
|Oak Park, Live Stream, & Recorded
• Silencing the Inner Critic Retreat
Tired of that nagging, critical inner voice that robs your confidence and joy? Learn practical methods to let go of that painful, limited self and develop true confidence!
Time & Location
Jun 25, 2022, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM CDT
Oak Park, Live Stream, & Recorded, 13 Harrison St, Oak Park, IL 60304, USA
Tired of that nagging, critical inner voice that robs us of our confidence and joy? These debilitating thoughts can affect our relationships, our work, and our ability to realize our full potential in life. Buddha’s teachings give many ideas on bringing forth our natural self confidence. We will learn how to identify with our potential, not our difficulties or perceived limitations. Learn practical methods to let go of that painful, limited self and develop true confidence!
✔️ In person in Oak Park
✔️ Live online
✔️️️ Recorded and available for 72 hours
Saturday, June 25, 2022
2:00 - 3:00pm: Session 1
3:30 - 4:30pm: Session 2
4:30 - 5:00pm: Q&A
This event will refer to the following book(s). It's not necessary to have your own copy, but if you're interested you can click any title below to learn more about it or to order a printed, e-book, or audio copy from Tharpa Publications. You can also purchase copies in person at our Oak Park and Wicker Park locations.
$25 in advance
$30 at the door
No one turned away for lack of funds. Contact us to request financial accommodations. FP & Supporting Members: half price; Benefactors and Patrons: free. See the member benefits section for codes needed to receive these discounts. $35 for 30 days: free, discount is automatically applied.
In-Person - Oak Park
$25.00Sale endedOnline (live or recorded)
$25.00Sale ended