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Sunday Morning Meditation for Kids in Oak Park

For Kids: Making Positive Choices


10am - 11:15am

Oak Park


$10 per family

In this series we will examine the results of choosing gratitude over envy, sharing over taking, being helpful over selfishness. This reinforces the message that “I am happiest when I help others.”


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No one turned away for lack of funds. Please contact us to ask about financial accommodations.

For Kids: Discovering Our Inner Super Powers

Next topic, coming in September:

For Kids: Discovering Our Inner Super Powers

According to Buddha everyone is born with "Buddha Nature," which is like a gold nugget: a beautiful, indestructible inner wealth of goodness and happiness. While exploring and claiming their inner potential for kindness and universal love, children grow in confidence and positive attitudes.

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Kadampa Teacher Dory Domanowski

Kadampa Teacher Dory Domanowski


For kids who enjoy these sessions, we recommend the following introductory books for further reading and practice.

Click on a book to order a printed copy from the publisher's website, or pick up a copy from the bookstore at our Oak Park or Wicker Park location.

The Story of Buddha

The Story of Buddha

The Story of Angulimala

The Story of Angulimala


KMCC Oak Park

13 Harrison St, Oak Park, IL 60304, USA

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